Is Swimming Good For Neck Pain

Is Swimming Good For Neck Pain

Is Swimming Good For Neck Pain

The Benefits Of Swimming For Back Pain

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Maintaining an active lifestyle when you have back pain is important when it comes to relieving the daily aches and pains, but many of our patients have found that swimming is one of those activities in particular that can provide them with relief. Improving your cardiovascular fitness through exercise can help with blood circulation, an important step in healing injuries, swimming can provide light cardiovascular exercise and resistance training this combined with the weightlessness that you feel while in the water can help provide a low-impact workout for your spine. Following the guidance given by Dr Nate Bogedain to MyWeeklys health column, were exploring the main benefits that swimming can have if you regularly suffer from back pain.

A whole body workout

Take it slow;

Swimming is an activity that everyone can benefit from, no matter their ability. If youre used to swimming, then using a front or back stroke in the water may be your preferred method, just make sure to take it slow and avoid overdoing it. Trying to move faster and faster in the water may leave you with an uncomfortable resistance, and out of breath a lot quicker, so make sure to go at your own pace and start slow. If swimming is not an exercise youre familiar with, start even slower perhaps with a kick-board and at a safe and comfortable depth to gain confidence in the water, but you may wish to seek the help of a coach to teach you the basics before you begin.

Avoid high-impact strokes

Swimming Exercises For Back Pain Relief

Its always a good idea to check with your physician before engaging in any exercise, especially if youre unfamiliar with them. When you meet with the team at the International Spine Institute, we can determine if you are an excellent candidate to participate in swimming exercises. If so, here are some swimming exercises that could help bring back pain relief:

  • Walking: Although technically not swimming, walking around the pool still allows you to reap benefits for your back pain. The resistance builds up your muscles, especially if you swing your arms while walking.
  • Water Aerobics: Aerobics in the water is perfect for working on the cardio aspect needed to build muscle strength. It works a variety of muscles while at the same time, building your flexibility.
  • Swimming Laps: If youre not a swimmer, its essential to start slow when swimming laps, perhaps only twice a week at first. All the different types of strokes work a variety of muscles in your hips, chest, and back. And you can always begin with treading water if youre not comfortable with any particular stroke. Swim coaches can give you tips on the proper technique, so you dont hurt your back through an improper form.

Background On Swimmers Neck Pain

Neck pain is one of the top five injured areas in swimming. This is not surprising as axial rotation and cervical extension are repeatedly performed during breathing. However, the exact mechanism for pain is unclear, especially in young males.

Previous studies suggest an inverse relationship between age and range of motion and proprioception. Other studies suggest a decrease in range of motion and neck strength correlate with neck pain.

This study looked to determine if in young male adults with chronic neck pain have reduced the cervical range of motion and maximal neck torque forces.

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Recovery From Neck Pain

When your neck aches after swimming, take time out from swimming your usual routine. Vary your workout by swimming a different stroke or do water jogging or running to keep your fitness levels up while you recover. Meet with a coach and discuss your neck problems. A few sessions spent improving your technique can reduce or eliminate any future neck pain or stiffness.

In addition, neck-strengthening exercises can help relieve neck pain caused by arthritic conditions, according to the Arthritis Foundation. Consult a physical therapist for an individualized exercise program.

Avoiding Back Pain Risks While Swimming


Some forms of swimming are more demanding than others. It can also be difficult to get the strokes just right if you are unsure of what youre doing. To avoid further injury, you may consider doing the following:

  • Getting lessons from an instructor who can teach you the proper form for certain strokes.
  • Using goggles or a snorkel to avoid turning or twisting unnecessarily.
  • Using floatation devices for support and balance.
  • Sticking to back strokes and avoiding certain front strokes, which may put more pressure on the lower back.

As always, you should talk to a medical professional before starting a new form of exercise. Swimming is generally considered safe, but there is always the chance of injury if done incorrectly.

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Why Do Swimmers Get Pfps

Clearly breaststroke is an awkward position at the knee. This motion puts stress at the knee, specifically the medial compartment. Stulberg noted breaststroke swimmers had evidence of patellofemoral osteoarthritis. Keskinen concluded:

a combination of high angular velocities at the hip and knee and external rotation of the tibia relative to the femur repeated in excessive amounts might be the primary cause for the medial synovitis documented in these patients. The breaststrokers knee thus seems to be an overuse syndrome.

These older studies are some of the only research on the subject. New research in this field is required, but that takes time and funding.

Some Dos And Donts For Lap Swimming

De Chaves points out that its important to warm up your muscles before diving into a lap swimming workout. All it takes is a few minutes of gentle paddling, and then static stretches of your shoulder and leg muscles.

Some other dos and donts:

  • Do wear nonslip shoes or sandals when walking on the pool deck.
  • Dont forget to apply sunscreen if youre swimming outdoors.
  • Dont forget to stay hydrated before and after a workout.
  • Dont skip stretching your muscles after lap swimming. Youll want to stay flexible so you can get back in the pool.

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How Do I Know If I Have Good Swimming Technique

You dont! Unless you have had feedback from a qualified coach. Get feedback. Get video. Get a coach look at you and give you feedback. If you do not want a regular coach- grab an online swim coaching program.

Online coaching is super cost effective- a fraction of the cost of a face to face coach. You will be guided through correct swimming technique, understand what drills are important and why and get help designing a progressive workout. You can ask questions and submit your swimming video for feedback.

If you know your swimming technique is poor, please have someone give you feedback. You can watch all the youtube videos in the world but you wont really know what YOU are doing until someone watches you then tells you.If you learn to swim with poor technique and think Ill sort out my technique later you are highly likely to develop swimmers shoulder.

As well as the pain of the injury and being side-lined, the pain of having to go back to basics to re-learn like a beginner is also humbling and painful!

The Benefits Of Swimming

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In addition to being a fun way to spend an afternoon, swimming is a great addition to any active lifestyle. Swimming laps in an indoor pool is also a great way to stay active in the winter. An afternoon in the pool builds muscles in your back, shoulders, arms, legs and neck, improves heart health and helps the swimmer maintain a healthy body weight. Swimming can also be a great way to overcome back pain from a herniated disc, pinched nerve and even bone spurs. By strengthening the muscles that support the neck or back, less stress is put on the spinal column and pain can be overcome. A warm pool also promotes blood flow and helps expedite the healing process.

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Give Gua Sha A Chance

Gua sha typically involves having a trained practitioner use a spoon to apply short strokes down the skin of the painful area. Gua sha is from Chinese Traditional Medicine, and its applied to areas of the body where blood circulation is believed to be stagnant and blocking energy . While there is no scientific evidence for qi, some people have reported neck pain relief from gua sha. One small study found gua sha to relieve neck pain more than heat therapy,3 but not all studies agree and more research is needed.4

See Gua Sha for Chronic Neck Pain

When performed by a trained professional who uses sterile equipment, gua sha is generally considered safe. This treatment should not be applied to damaged or thinning skin. Also, as part of normal gua sha strokes across the skin, tiny capillaries break and cause petechiae to form, which might be misinterpreted by others as a rash or bruising from abuse. The petechiae typically clear up within a few days.

Swimming is a great low-impact exercise for many people who have neck or back pain. Being in the water adds buoyancy, which means less stress on the spine. Depending on the cause of your neck pain, consult with your doctor or physical therapist regarding which swim strokes may need to be avoided or modified.

See Water Therapy Exercises

Make Time For Mindful Meditation

Finding a quiet place to relax and focus the mind may help ease stress and bring new perspective. Some examples of mindful meditation include controlled breathing exercises or guided imagery, such as envisioning the pain moving from your neck to your arm and then eventually floating off your fingers.

There are free videos and apps online to help you get started with mindful meditation. While mindful meditation doesnt work for everyone, some people have reported benefits.5

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Are You A Good Candidate For Lap Swimming

Consider lap swimming if youre generally healthy, youre a good swimmer, and your doctor says its okay. Its no problem if youre not a fan of the crawl: Any stroke is fine. The breast, side, and back strokes are often favored because a lot of people dont like putting their face in the water, like you have to do with the crawl, de Chaves says.

However, lap swimming might be not be doable if you have an underlying condition, such as heart disease or a seizure disorder, that puts you at risk for a life-threatening event in the water. You may also need to skip lap swimming if youre not strong enough to climb in and out of the pool easily. And you should be careful if you have injuries to your shoulders or neck. Lap swimming may increase your pain.

What Is Swimmers Shoulder


Also known as shoulder impingement or impingement syndrome, swimmers shoulder is common in athletes who perform repetitive movements with their shoulders, such as baseball, softball and volleyball players and, of course, swimmers.

The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the body, allowing for an extensive range of motion. Unfortunately, the shoulder is also inherently unstable due to this mobility. Additionally, the structure of the shoulder lends itself to impingement syndrome, as the muscles and tendons of the shoulder joint are surrounded by bone .

The rotator cuff, which is a group of muscles and tendons that help lift the arm overhead, sits between the humerus and the acromion . Repetitive overhead activities can cause inflammation of the rotator cuff. As the muscles and tendons of the rotator cuff are surrounded by bone, this inflammation compresses the tendons and reduces blood flow. If left untreated, swimmers shoulder can cause the rotator cuff to fray and lead to more serious conditions, such as a full rotator cuff tear.

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Neck Pain When You Wake Up

OTHER SYMPTOMS: Severe stiffness and pain, usually worse in first hour after waking; a crunching feeling when neck is moved.

PROBABLE CAUSE: Rheumatoid arthritis, which is caused when the body attacks healthy tissue in the joints, affects 700,000 adults in the UK.

Usually the condition is confined to hands and wrists, though in some people it can affect the joints between the bones in the neck.

Drug treatments have transformed the care of these patients, but we still see significant problems affecting the neck where joints in the neck have been eroded, causing painful trapped nerves, says Ian Harding, consultant spinal surgeon at Frenchay Hospital and the Spire Hospital, Bristol.

TREATMENT: There is no cure, but several drug treatments are available that dampen down the excessive immune system to reduce inflammation and pain.

Surgery certainly has a role to play in the care of these patients, adds Mr Harding,

Does Swimming Help Lower Back Pain

back pain prevention, back pain relief, low back pain, swimming

If you struggle with back pain, you are not alone. In the United States, more than 80 percent of adults have had lower back pain at some point in their life. Thats a staggering number of people who have had to struggle with this condition. Although many people take over-the-counter pain medication to help deal with this painful symptom, thats not the only solution. Many are turning to activities like swimming to relieve back pain. But does it work?

Studies show that aquatic exercises, including swimming, are indeed some of the most useful activities to relieve lower back pain.

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Swimming Exercises For Pain Relief

If you plan to undertake a totally new type of physical activity, such as swimming this summer , we ask that you talk with us about your plans first. We want to make sure you are clear for this type of activity and provide any guidance we can.;

We may be able to make recommendations about the types of water exercises that will be best for you or get you in touch with a physical therapist who can help. Types of water activities often recommended include:

  • Walking in the water ; While you may not technically be swimming, walking around the pool can be very helpful. The resistance of the water will help build up your muscles, especially if you swing your arms while walking.
  • Water aerobics Aerobics in the water works a variety of muscles while also building your flexibility.
  • Swimming laps Its important to start slow, maybe for only a short time a couple of times a week. Different types of strokes work a variety of muscles in your hips, chest, and back. Swim coaches can give you tips on the proper technique, if necessary, to make sure your form and technique are correct.;
  • Employ a pool noodle Noodles can be helpful tools for those who may not feel as comfortable in the water. A popular option is to sit on the noodle upright, then gently use your arms and legs to move across the pool. This is a great way to enjoy the benefits of swimming in a very low impact way.
  • Providers

    Protecting Your Neck: Why Proper Breaststroke Techniques Are So Important

    Swimming exercises for relief of shoulder and neck pains-2

    As your child progresses through his or her swim lessons, its natural to have questions about the skills being taught and why certain techniques seem to be so important. While children are younger, the goals for their swim lessons tend to revolve around learning to be safe in and near the water. When they have become proficient at the basic skills, the goals tend to turn towards proper techniques, so they can enjoy the benefits of swimming long into adulthood.

    The Problem: Head-Above-Water Breaststroke

    Many swimmers, both young and older, often use a head above water variation of the breaststroke. Perhaps its because the swimmer is uncomfortable putting his or her face in the water or because he thinks he is using less energy. Regardless of the reason, swimming the breaststroke with your head above water can put a significant and unnecessary strain on your neck.

    Imagine walking for twenty minutes with your face pointed straight up towards the sky. After your stroll, youd have quite a neck ache! Swimming the breaststroke with your head above water puts your body in essentially the same position.

    The Solution: Proper Spinal Alignment for the Breaststroke

    Developing a proper technique for any swim stroke takes time and training, but these tips will help you avoid straining your neck and back while you perfect your efficiency in the water.

    For more information on water safety, follow us on .

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    Diagnosis Of Swimmers Shoulder

    If you have shoulder pain, stop swimming immediately. Continuing to swim through the pain may make your injury take 3 months to heal instead of 3 weeks! You may notice pain when you raise your arm up, put on a T shirt or lie on your shoulder in bed. If it has not gone away with a weeks rest, seek help from a physical therapist.

    Very often you will have developed a muscle imbalance around the shoulder and will need to have instruction in some stretching and strengthening exercises to correct this.

    The shoulder joint is so complex, it is foolish to try to diagnose this and start an rehab programme by yourself. The quickest way back to the pool and competition is to get the right help straight away.If you return too quickly or keep swimming through the pain your swimmers shoulder may develop into rotator cuff impingement, bursitis, subluxation or brachial plexus syndrome.

    Can Swimming Help Ease Degenerative Disc Pain

    As summer approaches, more families are heading to the pool to cool off. It is also a time when many who suffer from a wide range of pain conditions take advantage of the pool to help ease their pain. But does swimming actually help reduce degenerative disc disease pain? There is a bit of a debate within the chronic pain community about this exact question. Some argue swimming can worsen back pain, while others say swimming is a safe form of exercise for degenerative disc disease.

    Our pain management doctors often recommend exercise to help relieve degenerative disc pain. Light and low-impact exercise can help increase blood flow to the spine, strengthen the muscles that support the spine, and even help patients keep off additional weight. High impact exercises, like running or jumping, may cause a great deal of pain because damaged discs cannot absorb shock as well on hard surfaces. Swimming solves this problem because our spines dont have to work as hard to support our bodies. The buoyancy of water eliminates the stress that is usually absorbed by the joints during exercise.

    For this reason, patients with degenerative disc disease may find pain relief from doing light stretches or exercises in the pool. Backstroke is often recommended because it promotes a neutral spine, and reduces the risk of hyperextension associated with other swim strokes. Those who are not ready for swimming may opt to try water aerobics, which can help strengthen the core and lower back muscles.

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Published by Lyric Wright

Registered Vascular Technologist dedicated to continually expanding my knowledge and experience in the field of vascular ultrasound and pathology. Compassionate and understanding with a commitment to providing high level patient care.

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